METREX Spring 2021 Conference Nürnberg 17-19 February, ONLINE
Farm to fork and food strategy of the EU - What do they mean for municipalities and regions?
The METREX Nürnberg Conference in 2021 is hosted by Nuremberg Metropolitan Region and linked to the BIOFACH eSpecial, which is the trade fair for organic food. We will run joint sessions with the BIOFACH eSpecial but also will provide some METREX-only sessions.
With the Farm-to-Fork strategy, the EU wants to create a sustainable EU agricultural system for “greener and healthier” food. The use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers and antibiotics is to be drastically reduced. The share of organic farming in the EU is to increase to 30% by 2050.
What opportunities do the EU’s farm-to-fork and food strategy offer cities, municipalities and rural districts? How can the EU level and the municipal/regional level be interlinked? The congress STADTLANDBIO 2021 takes up these and other exciting questions.
Programme Overview
Wednesday 17 February 2021
BIOFACH eSpecial
Johann Kalb, Council President Nuremberg Metropolitan Region
The New METREX President
Expert and Network Groups (METREX Members only)
Nordic-Baltic Network – 10:00-12:00 CET
Details of which Expert Groups are meeting will be confirmed. Please contact your Expert Group leader for more information or contact Stephen Gallagher.
Expert and Network Groups Report Back (METREX Members only)
Find out what our Expert and Network Groups have been focusing on in the past 12-months and what their plans are for the future
METREX General Assembly (METREX Members only)
Members are invited to join the biennial METREX General Assembly to ratify the new Managing Committee and vote for the next METREX President.
Thursday 18 February 2021
08:30-09:00 METREX Welcome Breakfast (METREX Members only)
Johann Kalb, Council President Nuremberg Metropolitan Region
The New METREX President
09:00-09:20 Opening of the BIOFACH eSpecial & StadtLandBio
Julia Klöckner, Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture
Opening talks
Peter Ottmann, Managing Director NürnbergMesse
Britta Walthelm, City of Nuremberg, Officer for Environment and Health
Johann Kalb, Council President Nuremberg Metropolitan Region
Congress idea and procedure
Dr. Werner Ebert, NÜRNBERG — DIE BIOMETROPOLE, Managing Director Bio-Cities Network
09:25-09:45 Keynote: Farm to fork and the EU’s food strategy
09:45-10:05 Keynote: What do cities, rural districts and regions do for agriculture and the food industry? How can the EU and the Green Deal contribute for more efficiency?
Britta Walthelm, City of Nuremberg, Officer for Environment and Health
10:05-10:30 Break
10:30-11:45 Podium discussion “Farm to fork and food strategy of the EU – What do they mean for municipalities and regions?”
Dr Michael Meister, Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Minister of Education and Research;
Margit Gottstein, State Secretary for Consumer Protection and Anti-discrimination, Berlin;
Dr Claudio Serafini, Director Organic Cities Network Europe;
11:45-13:30 Break
13:30-15:00 Workshops
- WS 1 – “Mayors’ meeting: Municipalities develop regional food strategies: model for land development and regional products (in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region)
Impulse lecture: Dr. Christa Standecker, Managing Director European Metropolitan Region Nuremberg; Dr. Hermann Ulm, District Administrator Forchheim County
Comment: Timo Kaphengst, Netzwerk Flächensicherung
Jérémy Camus, Vice President, Métropole de Lyon (to be confirmed)
- WS 2 – Regional added value – new ideas with new analysis tools?
Impulse lecture: Prof. Dr. Tobias Chilla, Institute for Geography, FAU University Erlangen-Nürnberg
Comment: to be confirmed
- WS 3 – Nutrition strategies – indispensable for more food democracy and food sovereignty?
Impulse lecture: Margit Gottstein, State Secretary Consumer Protection and Anti-Dircrimination, Berlin
Comment: Dr. Annette Piorr, Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
- WS 4 – Urban and rural areas – revitalizing economic and ecological ties
Impulse lecture: Dipl.-Ing. Agr. Frank Wagener, Institute for Applied Material Flow Management (IfaS);
Comment: Dr. Niels Kohlschütter, Schweisfurth Foundation
- WS 5 – Metrex Workshop: Metropolitan Landscapes and the Importance of Agriculture and Food
15:00-15:30 Break
15:30-16:15 Getting to know organic-cities and (model organic) regions in Germany and Europe
16:15-16:30 Break
16:30-17:30 Summary, conclusion “Healthy soil – healthy human – Setting the course for the future after the corona crisis”
Franz Rösl, Interest Group for Healthy Soil e.V.;
Reiner Erben, speaker for environment health and sustainability, City of Augsburg, speaker network organic cities;
17:30-18:00 Break
18:00-19:00 Evening Event (METREX Members only)
Johann Kalb, Council President Nuremberg Metropolitan Region
Dr. Christa Standecker
The New METREX President
Friday 19 February 2021
Regions Day: Digital Excursions
09:30-10:15 Innovation Ecosystems – Medical Valley
10:30-11:15 Green Deal Regional
11:30-12:15 Regional hydrogen projects
12:15 Summary, conclusion and official farewell
12:30 BIOFACH eSpecial